The Inland Valley Development Agency (IVDA) has facilitated coordination of a number of infrastructure improvements within the Inland Valley Infrastructure Corridor (IVIC) project area with the participating agencies working with IVDA to implement this project. Improvements to the following infrastructure systems will be considered in the IVIC EIR: water; wastewater/sewer; dry utilities, including communications; drainage; roads; and other future utility integration (accommodate other utilities/emerging technologies that can be integrated concurrently with above infrastructure improvements).

The IVIC Project area is located immediately north of the San Bernardino International Airport (SBIA) and the Project area extends to the north side of 6th Street. The western boundary extends to the terminus of the City Creek Bypass Channel, where it joins with Twin Creek, which is about a quarter of a mile to the east of Waterman Avenue. The IVIC Project area is bounded to the east by the SR-210 freeway. Third Street in both cities and Fifth Street in the City of Highland serve as the southern boundary of the Project area.

Overall, the IVIC Project is envisioned to be developed over a period of about 20 years in an incremental manner. The IVIC Project includes the installation of the following:

• Up to 20 miles of roadway (assumes one-lane width)
• City Creek Bypass Channel improvements
• 3.5 MG storage reservoir located in the Lower Zone
• New Well 01 in the Intermediate Zone
• Up to 5,000 feet of sewer

Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

Notice of Availability and Notice of Completion/Aviso de Disponibilidad y Aviso de Finalización

Draft Environmental Impact Report (Volume 1 & 2)

IVIC Site Map

The Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is available for a sixty-two (62) day pubic review period beginning August 20, 2024 and ending October 21, 2024. Any person wishing to comment on the Draft EIR may provide written comments to:

Inland Valley Development Agency
Ms. Myriam Beltran
1601 E. Third Street
San Bernardino, CA 92408
Tel: (909) 382-4100