2015 IVDA Board Meetings

Regular meetings of the Inland Valley Development Agency (IVDA) Board are held in the main auditorium of the Norton Regional Event Center, 1601 E. Third Street, San Bernardino, California, on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, with Closed Session (if any) starting at approximately 3:00 p.m. and immediately followed by Open Session.

In order to ensure your web browser loads the most recent information posted to this page, please perform a refresh or reload of this page each time it is visited.

For further information or documentation provided at these meetings, please contact the Records Management Department.

global $wpdb;
echo “


//$mydb = new wpdb(‘root’,’4bX-7Hx,BwKcE5~’,’test’,’localhost’);
$mydb = new wpdb(‘IVDAuser’,’!magine@1730′,’test’,’localhost’);
$query = “SELECT * FROM ivda_agendas”;
$rows = $mydb->get_results($query);

echo “

echo “

echo “

echo “

echo “

echo “

//echo “

echo “

echo “


$dateFlag = null;
//echo $dateFlag;
$bgcolorBasic = “#FFFFFF”;
//$bgcolorSpecial = “#F6F6F6”;
$bgcolorSpecial = “#E2EBF1”;
$colorClass = “red”;
$count = 1;
$myclass = ” “;
$topmarginclass = “topmargin”;
$bottommarginclass = “bottommargin”;
$i = 0;

foreach ($rows as $obj) :
$PhpDate = strtotime($obj->Date);
$FormattedDate = date(‘M d, Y’, $PhpDate );
$myclass = “”;

// if there is a new date we change background color
if(!(strcmp($dateFlag,$FormattedDate )==0))
//echo “hello”;
$myclass = $topmarginclass;
if($count == 1){$colorClass = $bgcolorBasic;}
//echo “colorClass= ” . $colorClass . ” and bgcolorBasic= ” . $bgcolorBasic;
$colorClass = $bgcolorSpecial;
elseif (strcmp($colorClass,$bgcolorSpecial)==0)
//echo “colorClass= ” . $colorClass . ” and bgcolorSpecial= ” . $bgcolorSpecial;
$colorClass = $bgcolorBasic;
$count ++;
// need to check if the next element has a different date
//$myclass = $bottommarginclass;

//echo $myclass;
echo “

echo “

DATE   AGENDA   Minutes Recording

if (strcmp($dateFlag,$FormattedDate )==0)
echo”  \n”;
else echo”$FormattedDate \n”;

$dateFlag = $FormattedDate;

echo “

echo”  \n”;
echo “
echo”Agenda_Link\” target=\”_blank\”>$obj->Agenda_Name“;
if (strcmp($obj->Agenda_Name,”Packet”)==0)
echo ”  $obj->InfoText \n”;
else {echo “\n”;}

//echo “

// if (!isset($obj->InfoText) or is_null($obj->InfoText)) echo”  \n”;
// else echo”$obj->InfoText \n”;

echo “

if (!isset($obj->Minutes_Link) or is_null($obj->Minutes_Link))
echo”  \n”;
echo”Minutes_Link\” target=\”_blank\”>Minutes \n”;
echo “
if (!isset($obj->Rec_Link) or is_null($obj->Rec_Link))
echo” \n”;
echo”Rec_Link\” target=\”_blank\”>Recording \n”;

echo “

echo “
